Yasuhisa Kurose

Advisor / Japanese Patent Attorney




Yasuhisa Kurose moved to the United States of America in 1995. Since then, he has been acting as a U.S. based Japanese Patent and Trademark Attorney (Benrishi) assisting Japanese clients and U.S. clients. Mr. Kurose is familiar with both the Japanese patent practice and the U.S. patent practice for more than 35+ years. He has considerable experience and involvement with patent prosecution both in Japan and the U.S.

For Japanese clients, Mr. Kurose has been providing unique services by cooperating with well-established U.S. patent/trademark attorneys. His mission is to maximize the capability of the U.S. attorney in charge by enhancing the communication between the Japanese client and the U.S. attorney. Mr. Kurose is an owner of Kurose & Associates established in 2001 to provide the above-described unique services. Mr. Kurose joined MWZB as an advisor in 2015. Mr. Kurose is currently providing unique services, such as, e.g., communication enhancement services and translation services, as an in-house advisor of MWZB.


Mr. Kurose’s technical experience covers a diverse set of technologies: including Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, such as, e.g., Medical Devices, Aluminum Alloys, Heat Exchanges, Precision Machineries, Electronic Circuits, Automobile Parts, Daily Commodities, and Synthetic Resins Products. 

Mr. Kurose has a particular interest in improving patent quality while reducing the total cost by enhancing communication between a Japanese client and its U.S. attorney in charge.

For example, when preparing an English patent application and claims, Mr. Kurose carefully prepares the English translation including proposals to amendments while communicating with the Japanese client and the U.S. attorney in charge. Through this process, an appropriate English specification and claims with broader coverage and appropriate expression can be provided, resulting in a first office action directed to non-formality rejections.

When responding to an office action, Mr. Kurose assists both the Japanese client and the U.S. Patent attorney in charge. Normally, a Japanese client reviews an office action and prepares instructions, and the U.S. attorney will prepare a response based on the instructions. However, Mr. Kurose believes the above procedure is inadequate for obtaining broader and stronger protection in the U.S.  The instructions are often prepared without considering U.S. practice such that the U.S. patent attorney merely follows the instructions from a Japanese client. Mr. Kurose will communicate with the Japanese client and forwards the information obtained from the Japanese client to the U.S. attorney as well as communicates with the U.S. attorney to provide feedback on his/her excellent strategy to the Japanese client. Through this enhanced communication, broader and stronger protection is obtained for Japanese clients.